Handy Tips        


        ~ To get candle wax out of a candle holder, place in freezer. Wax will harden and remove easily.

        ~ Keep a small squeegee in each of your bathrooms. Whenever you take a shower, squeegee the shower walls and doors (if any) to avoid build-up of mildew. 

        ~ Clorox, Lysol and even some of the major grocery stories manufacture disinfecting wipes that works wonders for cleaning sinks, bathtubs, toilet seats and even small messes on the floors. Keep one in each of the bathrooms in your home and one for the kitchen. Every time you go to the bathroom or use the kitchen, take a minute to run a disinfecting wipe over high traffic surfaces to keep down the germs.

        ~ Recycle old and worn-out toothbrushes and keep one in your kitchen and in all of your bathrooms. When you're cleaning and can't get a hard-to-reach spot, the toothbrush will come to the rescue. Just be sure to rinse out the bristles when you're done.

       ~ When you are cleaning
windows, if not using the streak-free squeegee, wipe up and down on the inside and back and forth on the outside. If there are any streaks you will be able to see which side needs to be redone.

       ~ Clean all rooms from top to bottom and left to right. This method makes it difficult to miss anything.

       ~ Keep a few extra
trash bags in the bottom of your trash cans. When you pull out the full bag, a new bag will be waiting for you.

       ~ Do It Now! Put things back,
rinse out that dirty dish, put shoes where they belong, and so on. When you think to yourself, "I'll do that later" you may find yourself in a panic later when you are running behind and so many things are not done.